The summer of 2021 is already off to a floody start in New Orleans. Three times this week (on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday) ISeeChangers documented flooding throughout the city during afternoon storms.

Monday’s rain event, according to ISeeChange rain gauge hosts in Gentilly, Lakeview, and Midcity was between a 5 and 10-year storm event (which means a storm of that intensity has a 20-10% probability of happening in a given year), exceeding the pump capacity of New Orleans. Many infrastructure solutions – both green and grey- are designed to help reduce flooding at this level, so adding to the record can help plan solutions.
This week, streets drained relatively quickly compared to other events. This likely signals that the pump system was working as expected, but if you saw anything unusual, be sure to tell us in a new post. Additionally, if you or your neighbors want a free rain gauge, let us know in your post! We’ll deliver you one with instructions on how to install it.
As a result of power failures before and during Hurricane Zeta last year, it is important to note that two of Sewerage and Water Board’s turbines have been replaced by loud, portable, diesel generators. Residents living close to the power plant have been bearing the burden, with noise pollution consistently above 90 decibels according to WWL-TV. We extend the ISeeChange platform for those Uptown and Black Pearl residents to share their stories and experiences with the ISeeChange community.
Spring 2021 was also unusually rainy
From March to May this year, official rain totals were over 34 inches which is two times the average for the city. Saturated soil led to a lot of backyard and garden flooding in mid-April when it rained for several days.
Still the spring rains did not reach an intensity that obviously overwhelmed the pump system as streets drained quickly, even if gardens became swampy. Southern great oaks, which can absorb hundreds of gallons of water, stored excess rain during these events.
2020 was a relatively dry year with only one major city-wide flood event
With the exception of minor flooding in the shoulder season in November, New Orleans saw only one major flood event in 2020, on June 10. ISeeChangers reported flooding across all neighborhoods. Treme got the most rain during this storm with one ISeeChanger reporting 4.15 inches of rain in two hours, similar in scale and intensity to Monday’s (June 21, 2021) event this week.
2020 also brought rain and wind from tropical storms and hurricanes. Hurricane Zeta passed directly over the city in late-October. The storm moved through quickly, so there was no flooding reported. But there was significant wind damage that took out trees and roofs.
Keep sharing what you see!
The most helpful flood posts include stories of how you were impacted by the storm, how high the floodwaters got and how long streets take to drain. Check out this deep dive story to see how ISeeChange posts influenced stormwater solutions in the Pilotlands area of Gentilly. If you have observations from any storms in 2020, you can still post those too! Just be sure to change the date and time as you are making your post.
And don’t forget to post any sightings of extreme heat, trees, or other infrastructure changes you see this summer in our community. Your sightings can help our city’s researchers, health workers, planners, and engineers design and target solutions.
Cover photo by Sarah Trimble on ISeeChange.